Contrary to Trump and other Republican politicians, New York is not a “hellscape,” Portland is not “ablaze all the time,” and Chicago is not more dangerous than Afghanistan. When violence has occurred during protests, it has been confined to just a few blocks it hasn’t spread throughout a city. And the extent of disorder has been exaggerated, usually for political motives. “Incipient insurgency” doesn’t mean “inevitable insurgency.” We are still in the very early phase of this rampage-a “pre-McVeigh moment,” as Kilcullen puts it. Today’s politics and social tensions are dominated by three fears: fear of other social groups, fear that those other groups are encroaching on one’s territory, and fear that the state no longer has the ability to protect the people. But it is rather unusual that they don't try doing it, even their motto is 'SHOULD EMINENT VENGEANCE ARM. Like for instance it is self evident that without the foundation the world wouldn't exist much less be a better place yet the insurgency's main MO is to take out the foundation. “Every civil war and insurgency of the last 50 years has been driven by fear,” Kilcullen told me. The chaos insurgency has nothing solid about their motives.
He cites Stathis Kalyvas’ book The Logic of Violence in Civil War as observing that fear, not hate, drives the worst atrocities. Cualquier cientfico de clase D o desarmado que escape a la instalacin reaparecer como un caos insurgente. Su objetivo principal es rescatar a toda la clase D y matar a todos los MTF y cientficos. Kilcullen sees a pattern similar to the patterns that precipitated insurgencies in Colombia, Libya, and Iraq. Tras el desove, cualquier clase D y otros insurgentes del caos en el juego escuchar una seal de audio.